
Supporting Our Community

To ensure that Albertans have access to reliable and current information on lupus and its impact, the LSA offers information packages to people who are newly diagnosed, one-on-one telephone support, Education Days, our annual Step Out for Lupus community-building and fundraising event, and more!

Misinformation and lack of understanding of lupus and other invisible illnesses is a significant barrier, and the Lupus Society of Alberta aims to raise lupus awareness and promote lupus education to affect positive change for our lupus community.

The Lupus Society of Alberta's long-term goal is to increase lupus awareness and education through community involvement and events, and our vision is to educate, empower and improve outcomes for people affected by lupus.

If you have questions, would like more information or one-on-one support contact us!

What is Lupus

Lupus is a disease where the immune system becomes over-active. It is a chronic disease which affects one or many tissues of the body; skin, joints, muscles, blood vessels, blood cells, brain and nerves etc. Inflammatory and immune responses account for many of the symptoms observed in lupus. Due to its many varied and often invisible symptoms, lupus can be very difficult to diagnose. It currently takes an average of 7 years for a patient to reach diagnosis.  This video explains this condition.

List Of Resources

Information packages

The Lupus Society of Alberta provides individualized information packages for both people who are newly diagnosed with lupus and those who need to respond to the new and changing realities of their condition.

Once we receive your information a intake call from us is completed to confirm which resources will be best for you.

Request a package

Newly Diagnosed Journal

The Newly Diagnosed journal (now called the Lupus Journal) was created for someone who is in their first year of diagnosis with lupus, or someone experiencing new symptoms. Having lupus is about learning to manage and live with lupus. Created for someone who has had a recent lupus diagnosis, or experiencing new symptoms they would like to track. This journal is a tool to help document their unique journey, and to help them understand how lupus affects their life. It will also help to keep their medical history close at hand. It gives them the ability to track and document symptoms from day to day.
Once we receive your information a intake call from us is completed to confirm which resources will be best for you.


Request a journal

Alberta Resources

A current list of resources available in Alberta.

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Suggested Websites

Alberta Rheumatology

Alberta Rheumatology is a resource for patients, medical students, residents and physicians for all aspects related to rheumatology and arthritis care.

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Lupus Canada 

Lupus Canada is a national voluntary organization dedicated to improving the lives of people living with systemic lupus erythematosus through advocacy, education, public awareness, support and research.

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My Health Records

A MyHealth Records account gives you one, secure place to see​ your health information, Immunizations you’ve had in Alberta, Medications administered from community pharmacies, Results from common lab tests

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Self Care and Lupus

Lorie Jane Bagay, RN, shares some tips on practicing self-care and maintaining positive mental health with lupus at the Lupus Society of Alberta's Education Day on November 3, 2018.


Lupus In Canada

Christine Peschken, MD, MSc, FRCPC, speaks to her involvement in CaNIOS research and the clinical experience for Canadian lupus patients, including First Nations, at the Lupus Society of Alberta's Education Day on
November 3, 2018.  


Accessing Health Care

A panel of Canadian health professionals answer questions about how to live well with lupus, chaired by Dr. Ann Clarke.


Exercise and Lupus

Kacy Nishimura, BSc, MScPT, demonstrates several options for engaging in gentle exercise for lupus patients at the Lupus Society of Alberta's Education Day on November 3, 2018. 1 Comment


Pediatric Lupus

Deborah Levy, MD, MSc, FRCPC, speaks to her experience treating paediatric lupus patients at the Lupus Society of Alberta's Education Day on November 3, 2018. 


Hospital Procedures for Lupus patients

Britt Simmons, MD, speaks to what lupus patients can expect when they go to the Emergency room at the Lupus Society of Alberta's Education Day on November 3, 2018. 


Interested In Our Cause?

Become a member of the Lupus Society of Alberta 

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